Volunteers of America of Eastern Washington

This March, join us for Mardi Bras, a super fun and impactful event coinciding with Mardi Gras, to "lift" those in need across our community.

Mardi Bras

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VOA Eastern Washington & Northern Idaho

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Some people can’t image what we do. We can’t image not doing it. Explore our open job opportunities.

We can’t do the work we do without you. Thank you for supporting our mission and projects.

Your time and dedication make an immediate impact to our mission. Thank you for volunteering with us.

Through a collaborative and holistic approach, VOA provides safe, affordable housing, access to resources, and personalized care for all to thrive

VOA is building a community where all can thrive

Collaborative Teamwork

Integrity and Transparency

Trauma-Informed and Client-Led Care

Belonging and Culture Inclusivity

Who We Are

As a licensed Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) VOA, our focus is on holistic care. This involves addressing social determinants of health, medical treatment, mental health care, peer support services, substance use disorder treatment, and housing services, all within our housing and shelter services.

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